Renovation Pictures
Project Status: COMPLETED
Updated Workroom with new Xerox and additional shelving for agency office supplies. Was painted and cleaned out in summer of 2021. This was Mary Lund's old office which has been repurposed as an agency workroom for all staff and volunteers to utilize. Project Status: COMPLETED
A new shelf from salvaged wood was just built for the entry for masks and other COVID mitigation supplies. The entry also got a new Water Hog rug as well as the upstairs to help keep gravel, snow, and mud off the new floors. In 2021 KANA purchased us new support group chairs that CG volunteers assembled for us and Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak paid for new floors in the living room and kitchen. In 2021 the kitchen got a thorough clean out and scrub down. In 2020 CU1 volunteers painted all the walls for us in the kitchen, living room, entry, and downstairs hallway. In 2022 all the ceilings in those spaces got a fresh coat of primer and paint. Also in 2022 all the upstairs lighting got upgraded to more energy efficient LED bulbs that are brighter and feel more cheerful. Finally, the front door was just replaced in spring of 2022 and the cute shelves in the living room were made from salvaged wood from the backyard. Project Status: COMPLETED
The trip down to the Donation Room has been updated and cleaned up. This is the Laundry Room portion of that trip clients and volunteers take. It's been thoroughly cleaned up, painted a soft steel blue/grey (very calming color) and the lighting has been updated and new storage shelves added to maximize our storage capabilities. A new more secure door was also installed to get into the house. The white wall now separates that hall down to the Donation Room from our SART exam room. Project Status: COMPLETED
The uneven concrete pad in front of the yellow house porch was jack hammered out and removed. This will greatly help when plowing snow and keeping the bottom of the stairs clear of snow. The parking got a new layer of gravel that volunteers and staff spread. AIM Maintenance will be coming to roll it out and get rid of any high/low spots. The gravel pile from the last 2 winters also got spread out and leveled. The yellow house porch has also been fixed so it is now safe and structurally sound. The center posts were not appropriately supported and some of the deck hardware was rusted out. The porch is now sanded, stained, and new safety treads added. Project Status: UNFINISHED
The Donation Room is currently closed to the public, however Advocates can fish things out if there is a community member or client with a specific need. Some items not related to Donations such as the extra washer and dryer have been moved to our rented storage unit. New lighting has been installed to provide more energy efficient LED lighting and also brighten the space. The old storage shelves and old kitchen type counter have been removed to allow more space for donations for clients to access. The new garage doors have been installed and work beautifully. One door has a garage door opener making larger donations coming into the space a bit easier to bring in. It will make removing excess donations easier to clean out in the future. The Donation Room will be primed and painted with a white ceiling, the same blue/grey walls, and the concrete will be painted the same as the Donation Entry space and Laundry Room to unify the areas. A donor has ordered several clothing racks on wheels or to be mounted to walls when the paint is completed and additional shelving units on wheels allowing for more donations to stay on the premises for clients and the public. The wood from the built in storage shelves and the wood cabinets have been salvaged for future projects if it can be used. Project Status: UNFINISHED
The yellow house got a new oil tank installed. Rebecca will provide an update during the 8/23 board meeting. |
Project Status: ONGOING
During FY22 Spend Down new yard equipment was purchased for lawn mowing and property upkeep. Used by staff, volunteers, and those seeking to do court ordered community service. Clients who wish to help with the raised bed garden also now have some needed shovels and rakes to work in that garden. Project Status: COMPLETED
The upstairs bathroom in the yellow house got a make over. It had been painted a lavender color on the walls and ceiling. We repainted in the same color as the rest of the upstairs (because we had extra paint). The whole bathroom got primed and a couple of coats of paint. New items like a mirror, a couple pictures, and a new wire shelf were purchased during FY22 spend down. A donor provided a handmade cover for the wire shelf to hide all the extra toilet paper and bathroom supplies. New small shelves were made from salvaged wood in the backyard. The sink cabinet also got a paint job and the lighting was updated to energy efficient and brighter LED. This bathroom is used by the public, support groups, board members, and volunteers as well as yellow house staff. Project Status: COMPLETED
The Outreach Office in the yellow house got a minor make over with some fresh primer and paint. It's also had a major clean out by staff to get it organized during the coarse of the pandemic. Project Status: COMPLETED
This space goes from the Laundry Room to an entry area right outside the Donation Room and part of the trip down to the Donation Room. This entry was particularly in need of some help. There was a lot of junk, trash, spider webs, and other filth that got cleaned up, primed (a couple coats) and paint that matches the Laundry Room and will match the Donation Room when that is completed unifying the whole space. It is calming and clean now and the concrete floor was also painted with concrete paint. The stairs have new safety treads on them and all the lighting was updated to take LED and higher output blubs making it brighter and easier to see in there. The stair banister also got sanded, re-stained, and sealed as well. Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak is purchasing a new Water Hog rug for the space to help keep gravel out of the Donation Room and keep the space easier to clean. Still to come are new doors: 1 door into the Donation Room with a glass window and a solid door to the outside which will be more secure than the half glass door that currently exists. A new crate/holder has been constructed from salvaged wood for the space to hold cardboard boxes we store for clients moving out of their homes or into new ones. We also now have some reclaimed storage. Project Status: COMPLETED
The Shelter Porches have gotten a bit of work. The one that is a handicapped ramp needed to have part of it rebuilt due to rot. That porch/ramp is now safe, sanded, and stained with non-slip treads added for safety. The porch on Oak Street and the porch still in the backyard of the Shelter are both structurally sound, have been power washed and are just waiting for a good day to get sanded and stained and then safety tread added. Project Status: ONGOING
One item we purchased during FY22 spend down was a one year rental on a heated 10' x 24' storage unit on Near Island. This will allow us to store some of our COVID supplies, extra Shelter Supplies like TP, PT, diapers, extra furniture, the extra washer & dryer, etc. off site in a secure place nearby. There are 2 garage doors we can access the space through. This allows better use of our onsite storage so we aren't climbing over things and unable to find things because they are buried under supplies. Check back for updated pictures.